I was drawn to Alien: Isolation mainly because it was the only game based on Ridley Scott's film franchise that honoured the oppressive atmosphere of the 1979 original. The Anesidora crew find a derelict Engineer ship Done well, your body and mind can forget that you're not actually about to be murdered – at least in my case. But gaming, as a far more immersive and active (dare I say) art form, is too real. The flicking of pages and glow from the big screen are gentle reminders that you are "safe". At this point I had never truly committed to a "survival horror" simply because, while horror films and literature are great, horror games are another kettle of fish. The first was bought on disc for the Xbox One at release seven years ago. So this time we're headed back to 2014 and a crumbling space station where something extremely violent and dangerous lurks in the shadows… However, when setting out the vision for this column, there were no hard and fast rules about what got covered. 3) We had to RMA a graphics card and got sad.
2) Generally no new full releases of interest. Though we were monitoring developments in potential World of Warcraft killer New World and Left 4 Dead's spiritual successor, Back 4 Blood, we didn't see anything that could be discussed fairly. Not that anybody noticed but we skipped the last edition for a number of reasons. The RPG Greetings, traveller, and welcome back to The Register Plays Games, our monthly gaming column.